Is the behaviour of a Loved One causing you concern?

Is substance abuse (drug and alcohol use) getting out of control? Is your loved one suffering with untreated mental or clinical health issues? Are you frustrated by your inability to communicate constructively with your loved one about a recurring problem that clearly needs addressing? An intervention may help.

About Interventions Australia

Interventions can happen in many ways and can be as simple as preparing friends and family to unite from a firmly grounded position.

We can teach families and friends how to communicate their concerns in a loving way with a consistent message of support, while maintaining strong, helpful boundaries.

More involved interventions can include facilitated face to face meetings with a person in trouble, or structured assistance to help that person into treatment.

Sometimes, people need to just have their issues brought to their attention in a focused, helpful manner. Other people need more structured assistance, with a great deal of ‘coaching’ and the provision of adequate support for them and their family and friends.

Interventions can be designed in so many ways depending on your situation – just call us for a no obligation free consultation on how we can help.

Initial Costs

If you are unsure about whether an intervention is suitable or if you feel you just need more information, you can take the first step by calling us to find out how we work and what we do. The first step is an initial assessment

In the initial assessment we discuss your situation in depth and devise a treatment plan outlining our recommendations for the most effective way to move forward. More importantly, having an effective plan in place inspires the family to follow through. We then give a firm quote on the following costs. This initial cost for the assessment is $275.00.

Should a facilitated intervention not be deemed suitable, alternative strategies can be explored such as educational sessions; i.e., teaching families what to say, how to say it in a non-shaming, positive and loving way showing all the family are on the same page and share the same message. We can assist with finding the right treatment facility for you and organise a bed in that facility. There are thousands of ways an intervention can work, we devise a treatment plan that is best for your loved one and importantly, fits into the family’s budget

Key Features of an Intervention

Years of intervention research and experience has enabled us to develop dignified and successful intervention programs that help not only the person at the focus of the intervention but also the people requesting the intervention. Our early intervention service will assist and support you from your first contact. Please be assured that any communication relating to an intervention is held in the strictest confidence.

There are many ways of conducting an Intervention, but key features of an effective intervention program should include.

  • the bringing together of a person at the focus of the intervention and their family/friends;
  • facilitating a solution focused discussion and to educate all parties about the issues at hand;
  • structuring a safe environment so that all parties can face each other honestly and move forward;
  • identifying and interrupting any dysfunctional cycles of communication and behaviours that are enabling or unhelpful;
  • providing support for all, promoting optimism and instilling hope for the future;
  • providing clear, concise, and succinct information about treatment options;
  • determining and discussing the needs of each party; and
  • helping to delineate useful boundaries and limits to problematic behaviours.

How We Work

Interventions Australia has developed a unique operations model integrating years of experience and research into the best possible ways of helping someone in crisis and those nearest to them.

Our services are flexible, uniquely customised to each situation and importantly, non-punitive, blaming or judging. We seek to involve all parties to an intervention in a compassionate and constructive forum where clear strategies and solutions can be agreed upon.

The Intervention Process

The starting point of an intervention is a comprehensive assessment with one of our trained intervention specialists.

Interventions can be requested by family, friends, or workplace colleagues.

  • If you are unsure about whether an intervention is suitable, a no obligations initial assessment of the situation can be arranged. This initial assessment, conducted by one of our highly experienced clinicians, will help you decide whether an intervention might be useful and can also help build initial support to move forward.
  • Should a facilitated intervention not be deemed suitable, alternative strategies can be explored such as educational sessions; i.e., teaching families what to say, how to say it in a non-shaming, positive and loving way showing all the family are on the same page and share the same message.
  • If following the initial assessment, an intervention is recommended, a comprehensive consultation will be conducted, with our clinicians speaking to as many potential participants as possible to customise the intervention accordingly.
  • We will research and evaluate all the possible treatment options available and prepare detailed summaries for all parties involved in the potential intervention.
  • We will determine the structure of the intervention required and plan to plan the event.
  • Depending on the approach the intervention can be performed in your location and preferably on neutral ground.
  • Usually, an intervention is conducted over 2 or 3 days in either the morning or afternoon. Our intervention specialists are available to answer any queries you may have after this time.
  • For more detailed information please contact Interventions Australia.

Finding the Right Treatment Facility

There are many different Treatment Facilities across Australia, each offering its own unique approach to treatment. Choosing which facility is the best match for your needs is not a straight forward process.

Some are dual diagnosis facilities, meaning they are equipped to support clients with both mental health and drug and alcohol issues. Many are private and their rates vary, and there are also government funded facilities that provide short- and long term programmes.

Choosing which facility is the best match for your needs is not a straightforward process and that is where we can help. Knowing the facilities available in Australia, and some overseas, what they offer in terms of a treatment mode and whether it will be a good fit for a client and give the client the best possible outcome. We can give you options of facilities, and the reasons why we think those facilities will be appropriate.

Types of Intervention

Interventions can be relevant to a wide range of situations. At Interventions Australia we specialise in:

Alcohol Interventions

Alcohol Intervention

Alcohol Interventions relate to the problematic and out of control use of alcohol.

Substance Abuse Interventions

Substance Abuse

Substance Use Interventions relate to the problematic use of illicit or pharmaceutical drugs.

Mental Health Interventions

Mental Health Interventions

Mental Health Interventions relate to depression, anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders.

Clinical Health Interventions

Clinical Health Interventions

Clinical Health Interventions relate to stress, neglect, over or under eating, self-harming, or general lack of personal care.

Crisis and Trauma Interventions

Crisis and Trauma Interventions

Crisis and Trauma Interventions relate to post-traumatic stress reactions
to distressing events.

Youth and Family Interventions

Youth Family Interventions

Youth and Family Specific Interventions relate to young people in crisis or where family dynamics need to be addressed

What our Clients Say About their Experience with Us

“The support from the IA Team was tremendous. At a time when my family felt like it was crumbling around me with my brother being so unwell, knowing they were there to help me on the other end of the line literally felt like a lifeline. The intervention specialist was knowledgeable and kind in all our interactions, offering a sensitivity that Mum and I will never forget. Words cannot express our gratitude. Just thank you.”

Bianca – 2022

“Thank you for your help with the ‘Intervention’ of my sister. I am just so grateful that I found you and the business of Interventions Australia to help me. …After our discussions, I realised that as much as I knew about Alcoholism and all of the counselors, social workers, rehab workers, AA support people and Detox centres advice I have received over the past 15 years, I still didn’t know everything and that I was handling things the wrong way…It was just an ‘epiphany’ to me, like a light bulb going off in my brain! The ‘loving’ approach taken by you and your team was such a calming, non threatening approach and I could see that on the day, Natasha had no decision to make but to accept our offer of help.”

Amanda – April 2021

“So to say thank you to you and your team seems simplistic because my family and I are eternally grateful that we didn’t have to cope with another death due to this illness. My sister is now in a long term rehab facility, which I really did not believe I would ever be able to get her to, thanks to Interventions Australia!”

Natasha – 2012

“The process brought me out of my shell and brought us together as a family. My wife and I are even talking about getting back together. My family respects me more. It was a success in ways I never knew even needed to happen.”

Neville – 2020

“I didn’t let anyone know how bad it was because I was embarrassed. Now I feel like I can breathe. I didn’t know my family loved me so much. They have never said it like that before.”

Tania – 2016

“I have never witnessed a better team in practice. I can’t imagine you without your assistant and can’t imagine him without you. It worked perfectly. I wish you could come live with us.”

Leisha – 2021